
November 2011 Legal Clinic by Katherine Borgen

Two weekends ago I had the opportunity to join Scott Kotler, Don Wilson and Spencer Aronfeld at their monthly visit to Camillus House in Downtown Miami. I had absolutely no idea what to expect, but my experience that day was definitely worthwhile.

Walking into Camillus house I felt the energy radiating from everyone inside. Everybody was so positive, greeting me with a smile and thanking me for volunteering alongside Lawyers to the Rescue. Many of the staff members continuously expressed their appreciation for what Lawyers to the Rescue has done for them, re assuring me that these people really need all the help they can possibly get.

I was shadowing Scott Kotler, a very enthusiastic, and well-spoken gentleman. Scott explained to me better than any professor ever has, every dimension of each case we saw. I could not be more grateful for his teachings and words of advice I received throughout the day. It was so great to see people willing to set aside some time for their day to give back to their communities.

I was especially blown away by the misconception I had of homeless people in the streets. I always wondered, why don’t they go out there and get a job? But the truth is, most of these people have unsettled issues they need help with in order to attain a job and pursue a better life. Thanks to Lawyers to the Rescue, they have something to look forward to.

I am so glad to have been a part of this event, and am looking forward to the Legal Clinics in the future

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